The day has therefore arrived for the officialization of the delivery of the equipment donated by the voluntary organization "Il Sorriso di Bright". Although we have already used them in recent days to meet the urgent needs of the poor (as many have had the opportunity to see), it is true that there is a formal document certifying to the donors that these instruments have arrived in good hands. and that they will be used for the purposes set by the Organization itself, which statutorily deals, in various forms, with aid to poor children in the broadest sense, therefore also in the health field. Thanks to ODV "Il Sorriso di Bright" for providing us with a portable ultrasound scanner at Paola's disposal and a portable dental unit for dental treatments. Thanks also to Loretta Bianchi, President of the Organization and Guido, Vice President. Your expectations will not be disappointed!


Feelings are mixed after 5 days of hard work "non-stop" to assist Guido, our dentist, during dental care at the Segbanou Humanitarian Hospital Center. What prevails is the satisfaction of having relieved more than a hundred people who suffered from excruciating dental pain and who could not afford to go to the dentist. Their gratitude certainly exceeds our efforts. It is also true that working from 8:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. with a short break to eat a bite leaves its mark in the evening. We started Monday morning and by the end of the day we were already eliminated! But we continued with tenacity until this morning when we tidied up, gathered our things and arranged the environment, a sort of rather empty classroom in which we placed two beds, three tables to place all the tools, wooden chairs which were certainly not the case. help our backs, forced to bend over the patient in improbable positions and the inevitable "portable unit" which contains in a sort of trolley all the instruments to operate on the teeth (turbines, aspirator, micromotor, compressed air, sprayed water, catalyst lamp and scaling tool). In reality, we tried to limit the interventions to the most urgent cases, which often resulted in very laborious extractions and in the majority of cases so complicated that surgery was necessary. It must be recognized that the experience and professionalism of Dr. Guido Corradi were essential to obtain a positive result because the teeth of Africans differ greatly from ours which are smaller and certainly less tenacious. Not to mention the depth of the roots, very difficult to extract because they are very long and often irregular. To complicate a rather complex picture, the electricity company did not miss a daily outage of almost two hours. In almost impossible conditions, we continued to work in the dark, with the only help of the dentist's headlamp, for simple extraction operations (nothing else could have been done).

The photos describe the different phases: the preparatory ones for the creation of a clinic from scratch, the first operations in the morning (calling and registering patients), the pre-consultation to determine a possible antibiotic therapy before starting, and then entering the heart of the interventions.

The Camillian Fathers helped us in every way and did not let us miss the comfort of a hot meal.

For SOPADA, this is not a new experience, but each time it is always very exciting and enriching. Relieving suffering is a human and Christian experience, so beautiful that it is difficult to describe. And our commitment will continue in this direction as long as we have the strength. A special thank you to Michelle (who is now a full member of SOPADA) who helped by preparing the anesthesia, continuously disinfecting the instruments by quickly handing them over to Guido and who never lost the sensitivity to hold the hands of the most suffering patients during the most complex operations.


Carole is a girl in her early thirties who lives and works in Ouidah. She has always dedicated her life to volunteering, making her skills available as an accountant for the "Caisse de Solidarité" group of the parish of the Basilica. This group is made up of parishioners and consists of a collection which has the aim of supporting members if they find themselves in financial difficulty, for the most disparate reasons, but above all to cover medical expenses in the event of illness or hospitalisation. Ironically, she herself found herself in difficulty by contracting a serious autoimmune disease, Lupus, which requires long and very expensive treatments, after having undergone a complete cycle of chemotherapy. To this end, Sopada has undertaken fundraising to cover the very considerable expenses, at least for a while.


Today I feel the obligation to thank the donors who made this little miracle possible. We found CellCept's generic drug to treat Carole's autoimmune disease. I remember that this medicine costs €105 in BÉNIN (€170 in Italy!!) for each box and is only enough for 12 and a half days of therapy. Her monthly salary doesn't even come close to covering the cost of a single box! Thanks to the research of our friend Gianluca Iori we managed to find 17 boxes for around €64 which should guarantee around 6 months of therapy. It is true that the treatment is expected to last up to 2 years, but for now we are confident in a positive response from the body.




LaMeri Catellani, Angela Gamberini, Maria Mele, Lorenzo Pinetti, Manuela Lavaroni, the Sanitary workers of Montecchio and me and Paola which we completed to reach the sum of €1100. I also thank the pharmacy who gave us a 15% discount. (Google translate)


We have concluded an agreement with the Il Sorriso di Bright Association, which creates and supports support projects for the poorest children in third world countries, particularly in Africa. The President Loretta Bianchi appreciated the work carried out in Bénin by our NGO and proposed a collaboration which materializes, if all goes well, with the supply of a portable mini-unit for dentists and an obstetric-gynecological ultrasound system which will be used by Guido and Paola in the orphanage for abandoned newborns run by the nuns of Notre Dame des Apotres, during his consultations with the most needy pregnant women.


by "DRESSING UNIT" we usually mean the "dentist's chair" which "brings together" all the essential tools for practicing dentistry: drill, saliva aspirator, air-water syringe, lamp. (Google translate)

When the dentist has to work outside the office, the chair, then the "DRESSING UNIT" must become "MINI" that is, it must condense all the essential instruments in a very small space, like a suitcase or a trolley on wheels, to be able to be easily transportable and can be used next to a patient's bed in a hospital, in a retirement home for the elderly,

or in Africa, in the remote villages of the savannah, where sometimes only a very few courageous volunteer dentists arrive to carry out the most urgent and indispensable dental therapies... those that the WHO. called “O.U.T.": Oral Urgent Treatment.

In practice, these are "dental extractions" to be performed in patients in whom tooth decay, which is a bacterial infection, has initially caused the destruction of the teeth and which then, if left untreated, causes serious infections and abscesses with devastating skin fistulas, which, by preventing feeding, can also lead to the death of patients

This is one of the motivations that pushed Dr. Guido Corradi (who is currently vice president of the IL SMILE DI BRIGHT ASSOCIATION and member of the NGO SoPADA) to become a volunteer dentist in AFRICA.  (Google translate)

He started more than 25 years ago, way back in 1998, and since then he has never stopped going every year, sometimes even twice a year, during the holiday period, to Ghana, to the hospital of a Comboni mission: the Comboni Hospital in Sogakope-Volta Region.

In recent years, with the increase in experience and knowledge of Africa and its needs, it has moved its range of action to two neighboring and even poorer countries than Ghana: TOGO and BENIN, carrying out its activity as a volunteer dentist in some rural health centers in some towns in the central-northern area of the two countries, the poorest areas without health facilities.

He thus set up a new dental clinic in the Center de Santè of Kolowarè, in Togo (which still hosts several lepers) but since the local population was very poor and could not even afford to pay the small amount requested (corresponding to €1.5 ), he didn't come to the clinic to be treated. And so Dr. Corradi decided to go directly to the surrounding villages, lost in the "brousse" (savanna) to treat the local population in their own homes, small houses with mud walls and thatched roofs, or on the sides of the street, in the shade of a plant.

It is not easy to practice dentistry in those conditions, without the chair, with the patient sitting on a deck chair, without the light of the lamp, without a saliva aspirator and therefore in the midst of blood and flies, having only the hands and extraction tongs, for hours and hours under the sun. It is very tiring and also requires a lot of skill and experience.  Dr. Corradi understands that, in those extreme conditions, it would be very useful to be able to have and use a PORTABLE MINI-DENTAL UNIT.

This is why the following year, in BENIN, when the local non-profit organization SO.P.A.D.A. invites him to carry out free dental volunteering at the C.T.A.L. (Anti-Leprosy Treatment Centre) - a village for lepers of the Roul Follerau foundation but which is also a health dispensary for the surrounding population - Dr. Corradi decides to use a PORTABLE MINI-unit, asking to borrow it from some Italian volunteer friends who operate in neighboring Togo.

Working with the Mini-unit is much easier, for example by being able to aspirate blood and saliva

from the patients' mouths and therefore have a better view of the operating field.

Having the PORTABLE MINI-DEVICE at your disposal it is possible not only to carry out extractions, but also to try to "treat the teeth"... in particular those of children - especially the decayed front teeth - thus avoiding having to extract them, disfiguring their smile forever!

And receiving, in exchange for a filling, the kiss of a child happy to be able to smile again!

Also this year the NGO SoPADA (Non-Governmental Organization) - which operates in BENIN - asked Dr. Corradi to return to carrying out his dental volunteering activity at two Health Dispensaries, one in the south of the country - in OUIDAH - managed by Sisters of the African Congregation “Notre Dame des Apotres” – and one in central-northern Benin, in PENESSOULOU, in the municipality of BASSILA, a small rural hospital managed by the state. The sustainable agriculture company (Solidarité Pour l'Amélioration et le Dévelopement Agricole) is also based in Penessoulou, which also gave its name to the NGO that carries out social and humanitarian activities. (Google translate)

A relationship of fruitful collaboration is now taking shape between two voluntary associations: “SoPADA” in Benin, through its Social Affairs Manager, Andrea Puglisi and his wife Paola and “IL SORRISO DI BRIGHTO.D.V.” in Italy (www.ilsorrisodibright.org), through Dr. Corradi who is a founding member and works in both the two Associations.

But the president of the “Smile of Bright” - Loretta Bianchi - decided to give a strong and unequivocal signal of this synergy of intent between Italy and Africa by deciding to purchase - only after launching a specific fundraising campaign - both a MINIRIUNITO PORTABLE that a PORTABLE OBSTETRIC-GYNECOLOGICAL ULTRASOUND to be made available to SoPADA and its numerous humanitarian initiatives in Benin.

Dr. Guido will therefore take with him TO BENIN, next August, and will use the PORTABLE MINI UNIT on site; while the PORTABLE ULTRASOUND will be delivered into the hands of Andrea and Paola - who are temporarily in Italy for medical treatment - to be then used by Paola, who is a retired professional midwife, in the maternity clinics where she provides her volunteer work.

This desire to collaborate and interact between two humanitarian associations is beautiful! It allows us to rationalize our forces, that is, to make the best use of the always, unfortunately, scarce economic resources and to be able to achieve objectives that, alone, would not be able to be achieved.

The cost of the mini portable dental unit is €1790

Naturally we avoided choosing the most expensive devices, but also the cheapest ones from China, opting for a good old Italian company: De Giorgi.

This is the device that I already used a year ago in Benin and which can be seen in the images.

I think it has the best quality/price ratio.

I trust, as always, in the sensitivity and generosity of Italians towards useful, credible and concrete humanitarian projects. The goal we set ourselves is not at all easy to achieve... but it is simple to understand: alleviate pain and give a smile back to those who cannot heal themselves!


Guido Corradi

Andrea Puglisi


IL SMILE DI BRIGHT Association - O.D.V. www.ilsorrisodibright.org

SOPADA NGO Association www.sopada.org


(Google translate)


We have finally reached the happy conclusion. SOPADA had had a sum in his belly for some time which, by express wish of the (anonymous) donor, was destined for the popouniere of Ouidah, the orphanage for abandoned newborns. We were just waiting for a project to be submitted to us aimed at substantially improving the children's stay. Blackouts are very frequent in the city. When it happens at night, children find themselves completely in the dark and experience moments of fear that sometimes last for long hours. There are more than thirty and it is not possible to console them all. Thus the idea of equipping the center with a solar system was born. The installer was willing to sell and install the system partly on credit. We put in about half of the total amount, allowing the work to begin. The operation will allow energy savings of around €300 per month, which in these parts is a lot of money. This morning, with immense joy, we handed over to Sister Lucrezia and her sister the check for one million CFA Fr. which corresponds to approximately €1500. I then went to the work site to see the actual installation that was underway. The children of the orphanage will be able to sleep peacefully and when they open their eyes they will always be reassured by the light of a light bulb. (Google translate)


Following an important donation made by a person who wishes to remain anonymous, we thought of a structural project to maintain and possibly implement all the activities of the Ouidah leper colony, with particular attention to increasing the quality of life of the resident lepers. Since June, when we learned of this benefactor's intentions, we have worked to plan a series of activities to take advantage of the great resources available to the nuns. We have identified several activities that can be implemented in a relatively short time. €8600 has been allocated for the project. So we have already started in September with:


- sheep, pig and broiler breeding


- The exploitation of three hectares of land, taking advantage of the short rainy season, to grow corn and peanuts


- The production of palm oil from the numerous palm trees present on the property's land


- The cultivation of cassava on approximately two hectares and its transformation into flour (gari) and tapioca obtained from its starch.


- In the installation phase we have a vegetable garden that will host various types of vegetables and legumes on an area of one hectare with drip irrigation to guarantee constant production all year round, even during the dry season.


Inside the property there are many mango, lemon, papaya and coconut palm trees. Until now, apart from coconut palms, only a small part of the fruits were consumed in the nuns' house and among the sick, another part was stolen by the inhabitants of the neighboring villages, but the majority rotted on the trees; now we will organize collections and direct sales at the Kpassè market.


Some equipment already present was broken and therefore unused due to lack of resources. With the available budget we carried out their repairs, in particular an oil press to produce palm oil, the mill to grind grains and prepare feed, and a three-wheeled three-wheeler for various transports functional to the activities. Furthermore, we have purchased the machine for grinding cassava, which allows us to transform the product into other value-added products and in these days we will purchase an incubator to increase the production of chicks. The program is managed for the first year by the NGO SOPADA, in my person, but I can count on the active collaboration of Ibrahim, responsible for raising mutton and chickens for meat, Ines, his wife, who takes care of the piggery with great dedication, Ernest, an expert farmer who takes care of the crops in the fields, Isaak, who assists him but who specializes in the vegetable garden. Ernest's wife is then available to cover Ines' day off and for other small jobs that arise from time to time in the company. Our hope is that the various activities, precisely because they are very diversified, can produce a certain income also for the years to come when SOPADA will no longer have the management, maintaining and hopefully also increasing the number of employees and with them the profits so that they can help to improve the health services of the dispensary, the structures that house the sick and consequently their quality of life. (Google translate)


With a view to helping pregnant women, but also those who are not, in the correct management of maternity, SOPADA, thanks to Paola, has organized this monthly meeting in the premises of the Parish of the Basilica of Ouidah. It is completely free and will certainly help in the responsible management of maternity, especially in those pockets of material poverty from which many families in BENIN still suffer. (Google translate)


Last Saturday, September 16, one of our representatives from the NGO SOPADA, FOUSSENI Djaffarou, went to Penessolou, in the north of the country, to hand over school supplies to 39 children and young orphans. This year we have 5 more who are already in college. We have been supporting all the others in their academic journey since 2018. Until now, they have met our expectations, following their respective courses in a coherent, serious and serene manner. We were unable to be present because we were in turn preparing the kits for the 127 other orphan students from Ouidah in the south of the country. Several authorities were present: the chief and delegate of the village of Penessoulou Alidou Djibril, representative of the mayor, prevented by other commitments, the president of the Association for the Development of Penessoulou, Sanda Aliou, two municipal councilors of the capital commune from Bassila, Alassane. Abasse and Gouda Moussa, the President of the Association of Artisans and representative of parents, Tchiffi Zouliath. The ceremony took place at the Youth Center in the district of Penessoulou in a joyful atmosphere. A warm thank you to all the Italian donors who helped us with their donations. (Google translate)


In a festive and somewhat "messy" atmosphere, this morning we heroically managed to deliver the backpacks with complete school supplies to 127 orphaned children from the neighborhoods of Fonsramey and Agbani (Ouidah) distributed in the two respective school buildings. We invited several local authorities, including the mayor of Ouidah who, after making us wait an hour beyond the scheduled time, sent his deputy to be present in his place. Let's be clear: in BENIN, as in all of Africa, the presence of the authorities during these events seems to be very important, as they enjoy their moment of glory by using them as a catwalk. The delay of the mayor, who then had himself replaced, annoyed us greatly, because our respect goes, before the politicians, to the least, who are the recipients of our efforts. Having said that, after the ritual speeches of the authorities, we moved on to the delivery of the backpacks which contained numerous notebooks, numerous ballpoint pens, colored crayons, compass with protractor, ruler, pencil and eraser square, slate and textbooks for the various classes and the school uniform. In all cases they were orphaned children of primary school age, unable to attend due to lack of resources. They are the future of the country, we must offer them "nourishment for the mind", even before that for the stomach which, thank God, is not lacking in this area of Africa. They will be the ones who will have to manage the global challenges of tomorrow, with their resources, their cultural background and their passion. They will have to regain possession of their lands that were over-exploited over the centuries by "others" who came with arrogance from far away. It is from this perspective that we try to help the young generations to become aware of their potential and put it at the service of everyone. Because there is an inalienable right: that of being born, living and prospering in one's own country. The SOPADA NGO thanks all the Italian donors, from all over Italy, but also the numerous friends from Cadelbosco, Reggio Emilia and the surrounding areas, without whom we would not have been able to satisfy such a large number of needy orphans. A proper thank you then goes to Ibrahim Abou, an active member of Sopada and the Zongo neighborhood leader who organized the event. And thanks also to Ramos Vodounon and Koudoda Elisée Barboza, faithful collaborators, who helped us deliver the backpacks.


We cannot forget the other 39 pupils and students of Penessoulou, from primary, secondary and high schools who we will talk about in a separate post, but who are part of the same project financed by SOPADA through the friends listed below:


- Montecchio healthcare facilities


-Annamaria Benassi


-Luca Bigliardi


-Corrado Askerz


- Rossi Rossella


-Rita Rita Benatti


-Arianna Zanetti


- Simonetta Bertozzi


-Marzia Conti


- Patrizia Benassi


-Pedroni Maria


-Paolo Cagossi Palli Paolo


-Annamaria LaMeri Catellani


-Giuliano Bondavalli & Valeria Bondavalli


- Jonathan Ivan Cosentini


-Anna Adriano


-Carlo Prandi


-Giuseppina Salvati


-Gianni Fontanesi


-Franco Bonilauri


- Amelia Borghi


-Nesti Simona


- Laura Spaggiari


-Annalisa Benelli


-Alessia Orlandini


-Bigi Rossana


-Garatti Ezio


-Antonio Chinnici


- Lorenzo Pinetti


-Luigi Dalla Porta


-Gianni Marconi


-Lara Munari


-Guidetti Andrea


- Maurizio Rainieri and Piccinini Francesca


Beautiful final of the Djegbadji League with the winning team Degue. The organization of this tournament among all the villages on the Ouidah coast was also possible thanks to SOPADA who, with the help of Jonathan Ivan Cosentini, sponsored the event. (Google translator)


The cycle of dental treatments organized by SOPADA for the benefit of the weakest and most deprived groups in the Ouidah area ended this morning, with this additional half day that we were forced to add due to the unexpected, enormous turnout of people. Already in the early morning we could count about twenty people waiting, which gradually increased. Dr. Corradi has no memory of other missions in Africa with such a high number of complicated cases that forced all of us to work daily cycles of up to 11 consecutive hours. He carried out actual surgical operations to remove teeth and roots that were now "ossified" within the dental socket. It must be said that the dentition of African breeds is very strong and robust. The roots are always longer than those of European man. Therefore it is quite difficult to find teeth that move, except in the case of periodontitis, caused by the presence of tartar at the base of the teeth. Thanks to the help of a portable dental unit it was possible to operate with the instruments we are used to in modern European dental practices, obviously with some limitations. Thus the services seem to have fully satisfied the patients who thanked them with concrete gestures, small gifts and even a kiss from a child who had two decayed canines saved, now as good as new. No aesthetic interventions were envisaged, but the aim was to reconstruct the incisor of a child who had broken following a fall and was positioned towards the outside. This was due to bullying by his classmates. Guido wanted to give him a dignified appearance and a smile that he previously refused to show. What to say? A lot of effort, complicated and tiring moments, but also the satisfaction of having been able to provide relief to patients who, due to too much poverty, could not have imagined setting foot in a dental office. On behalf of SOPADA, a big thank you must be given to Dr. Guido Corradi, to Michelle, who, together with Paola and me, improvised as a dental assistant. The services, of any nature, were offered at the symbolic price of 1000 Fcfa (approximately €1.50) also including antibiotics and painkillers.

Always tired but happy! Go on like this! (Google translator)